Redbud Jelly

I have made the Redbud jelly in the past, and I personally like to use the Ball jelly jars (link to Amazon order below). One tip - don't skimp on the sugar. Your jelly won't set if you don't use enough sugar! Redbud jelly would pair well with some crackers or melba toast.

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Here is a recipe for making redbud jelly:


  • 2 cups redbud flowers
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 1 package powdered pectin


  1. Gather your ingredients and wash the redbud flowers thoroughly.
  2. Bring the water to a boil in a large pot.
  3. Add the redbud flowers to the boiling water and cover the pot.
  4. Let the flowers steep in the hot water for 20 minutes.
  5. Strain the flowers from the water, reserving the liquid.
  6. Add the lemon juice and sugar to the liquid and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
  7. Bring the liquid to a boil over medium heat.
  8. Add the pectin and stir constantly for 1 minute.
  9. Remove the pot from the heat and let the jelly cool for 5 minutes.
  10. Pour the jelly into sterilized jars and seal the jars.
  11. Let the jars cool completely before storing them in a cool, dark place.

The jelly will last for up to 1 year in the refrigerator or pantry.

Here are some tips for making redbud jelly:

  • Use fresh, young redbud flowers. The flowers will start to wilt and the flavor will be less intense as they age.
  • Don't overcook the jelly. Overcooking will make it cloudy and less flavorful.
  • Let the jelly cool completely before storing it. This will help prevent the jars from breaking.
  • Enjoy! Redbud jelly is a delicious and unique way to enjoy the springtime blooms.

Wonder what else you can do with Redbud trees?  Head over to my post about their edible qualities here!


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